How Often Should You Water Mums? A Complete Guide

With their beautiful and ornamental flowers, chrysanthemums are one of the most popular flowering plants in the world. What I do know about the water requirements of Mums is that they should be watered directly onto the soil two to three times per week for established Chrysanthemum plants (mums). Once they are established, mums that […]

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Are Coffee Grounds Good For Hydrangeas?

Depending on the pH of the soil where your hydrangeas are planted, they will produce different colored blooms. Hydrangeas can bloom with blue to lavender-blue flowers in the right soil. One way to make soil that encourages the growth of hydrangea blooms with more unusual color combinations is to use coffee grounds. The mystery of coffee […]

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Angel Wing Begonia Propagation Methods

How many times have you considered propagating the lovely angel wing begonia that has graced your patio from season to season? The angel wing begonia (Begoniaceae) is a popular indoor plant with its large, speckled angel-wing-shaped leaves on succulent stalks. Angel wing begonias produce fragrant clusters of red, pink, orange, or salmon-colored blooms. The leaves […]

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Bird Of Paradise Propagate: Cuttings & Seeds

South Africa is home to the unusual and vividly colored plant known as the “bird of paradise.” It is a huge, comparatively simple plant to grow. Birds of paradise can be multiplied by either sowing seeds or growing plant cuttings of stems and roots in a new pot. Here is our manual on how to […]

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How To Propagate Begonia From Cuttings?

For the shaded area of the garden, begonias are a favorite plant. Begonias can be grown from seed, but it’s much simpler to grow them from cuttings, and you can do this with the majority of begonia varieties. They are fantastic for newcomers and quickly and easily take root. Read the article and learn how […]

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Brown Tips On Peace Lily: 5 Reasons And Solutions

Peace lilies have delicate, porcelain-colored flowers that are slender, graceful, and have green leaves. The leaf tips can turn brown for a variety of reasons, and we’ll go over the most prevalent ones in this guide. A peace lily’s leaves with brown tips typically indicate poor maintenance on the part of the owner. Please read […]

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How To Treat Black Spots On Orchid Leaves?

One of three things could be indicated by black spots on orchid leaves: the orchid was bruised during transport or handling, the leaves have had access to more sunlight than they require, or bacteria has infected the leaf. How should I care for an orchid plant’s black spots on the leaves? Here are the answers. What Orchids Are More Likely […]

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Bird Of Paradise Seedling: 4 Easy Steps

Everyone adores the five Strelitzia species collectively known as the beautiful Bird of Paradise because of its tall foliage and stunning blooms. It is a common practice that doesn’t call for any special knowledge or equipment but could be useful if the fear of winter survival becomes real. In this article, we will introduce 4 easy […]

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How To Care For Indoor Birds Of Paradise Plant? Tips

Large, relatively simple-to-grow plants called birds of paradise to give any indoor setting a boldly tropical feel. A bird of paradise can grow to over six feet tall with proper care, even inside. The plant will put on a colorful flower display under ideal lighting conditions, bringing a touch of the tropics into your home. Here, […]

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What Is The Best Soil Of The Bird Of Paradise

Your bird of paradise plant’s growth is greatly influenced by the composition of the soil or potting mix. Even with ideal environmental conditions, a poor growing medium results in an unhealthy plant. The best soil for birds of paradise plants is loam because strelitzia plants need nutrient-rich, well-draining soil to thrive. Bird Of Paradise Strelitzia […]

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