Are Monsteras Toxic to Pet Cats, Dogs, or Other Animals? 

The ACPA states that eating monstera plants is Toxic to cats, dogs, and people. They contain calcium oxalate crystals in their sap, which can irritate the mouth and produce swelling, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms of intestinal discomfort. Where possible, keep these plants away from children and pets. About Monstera Plants A […]

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Brown Edges On Monstera Leaves: Reasons And Solutions

Why are the edges of my monster leaves brown, is a question we get from monstera owners the most.” The primary causes of the browning of Monstera leaves are rotting roots caused by overwatering, excessively dry indoor air, a cold draft, and prolonged soil desiccation. Read the article and you can take care of your brown-edge […]

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