Are Dahlias Really Deer Resistant? | Will Deer Eat Dahlias? 

If you’re wondering whether Dahlias are deer resistant, the short and easy answer is no! Though deers normally avoid dahlias, there is no assurance that they will never consume them. Deer eat dahlias, yet the likelihood depends on a variety of conditions. Dahlias appear on both lists of plants that deer eat and lists of […]

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Are Dahlias Annuals or Perennials? How to Tell

Dahlias are they annuals, perennials, or delicate perennials? You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered if dahlias can be cultivated as perennials. Most plants are straightforward to tell if they are perennials or annuals. They either return year after year or develop for one season and then perish. But dahlias are a little perplexing for […]

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